What is a P2E 3.0?

Play to earn games have been evolving over the last 2 years, each version was trying to be more advanced and sustainable than the previous.

  • Play To Earn 1.0

    • The first games used to mix DAO & In-game tokens, using a dual currency system. These projects receive liquidity in the DAO token and distribute rewards back to players with the in-game currency. The problem here is that the token that gains value and utility is the first one, the DAO while the coin that is used to pay out players only loses value and the mint ratio is way higher that the utility it has.

      • This has a big sustainability problem as you could see in early 1.0 games, prices and player earnings went down slowly and never got to recover.

  • Play to Earn 2.0

    • Trying to avoid the mistakes from the previous P2E version, games tried to create only one token to rule them all within their game. The sustainability issue here was that the token would fluctuate a lot due to players cashing out profits and selling pressure.

      • What they tried to do? Oracles that were supposed to control the player rewards and earnings trying to tie & lower selling pressure to keep alive the price of the token.

P2E versions 1.0 & 2.0 cannot sustain long-term growth and eventually they die, some games faster and others slower.

Our team spent countless of hours studying and reading other P2E projects that have failed, trying to find the issue and come with the best solution possible.

And then the First Play to Earn 3.0 Game was born.

Unlike any other versions, the 3.0 games has an advanced economic system that can sustain long-term growth and long term player reward while keeping the token price at good levels.

How the 3.0 version can do that? Collecting small fees along the player actions to create a 'Crypto Treasury' which support the cash flow into the economic system of the game without the need of having thousands new players every day.

We invite you to read more about how this 3.0 version works, you can do in the 'Economic System' and 'Crypto Treasury Explained'.

Last updated